The day is finally here when we can review The Dab Kit box by Cheefkit. Previously, we reviewed the Cheefkit Bongkit Mini and were delighted already. The Cheefkit The Dab Kit is destined to be one of the top products we have ever reviewed here, again for excellent dollar value and also for its top-tier selection of items with virtually no filler.
Cheefkit wants this part made clear: They don’t offer subscriptions. They sell kits, and you see it, you like it, you buy it. No further commitments. The kits do rotate depending on supply lines and seasonal events, but by and large, this is the “subscription box” service that requires no subscription.
The Dab Kit currently goes for $104.20 (nice!), a trifling price when we total up the contents.
Reasonable price
Great value
Excellent selection with a couple surprises
Top quality items
Makes a perfect gift for any dab-head
Recommendations: Just keep being amazing!
Totaling the Cheefkit The Dab Kit
As with the Bongkit Mini, Cheefkit’s The Dab Kit proved itself worth the retail price already just with the first glass piece out of the box. We will go through the contents and price them as closely as we can find, if not exactly.

10-inch Glass Dab Rig ($100)
Right out of the box, we find this frosted borosilicate glass beauty. It is billed as having a “matrix” pattern on the site, but we take that to mean a circuitry / cyberpunk motif. We do find comparable pieces at Smoke Cartel and Bad Ass Glass going for $100 and up. Some of which aren’t even this nice.
It’s tough to even find something comparable; searching “dab rig” turns up a lot of plain water pipes and shorter pieces. This is a true tower-build dab rig, made of thick glass and a sturdy base. It looks spiffy and makes a handsome addition to any dabber’s arsenal. Look for it in our upcoming videos.

Cheef Terp Slurper Quartz Banger ($20)
This item comes boxed in its own protective packaging, with the glass unit itself plus a couple of terp beads. This would actually be priced higher than $20, but we’re going with a conservative estimate. There’s one terp slurper we find for $24 – and the glass beads come extra on top of that!
Wax Reclaimer ($14)
This has a glass piece, plus a silicone bottom and cap. You connect these daisy-chain style between the rig and the banger to reclaim the dripping concentrate as it re-condenses, and then you can remove the bottom and enclose it with the lid, saving your hard-earned concentrate to dab again. $14 is actually a very conservative estimate; we’ve seen one like it for $24.99.
Flower Bowl ($10)
A very standard flower bowl, for adapting your rig to smoke flower. You can find these in every smoke shop for this much and up to $20. They didn’t have to include one in a dab kit, but it makes a thoughtful addition.

Darth Vader Concentrate Holder ($10?)
This is one of the showpiece items in the box. Obviously, it’s a collectible for Star Wars fans in its own right. The helmet comes off to reveal a silicon concentrate holder plus lid. I suspect that maybe “concentrate holder” was not necessarily the first use for which this item was deployed. It might have been anything from a contact lens holder to a pill stash. Toy companies do this all the time, repurposing overstocked items.
So that’s why we only price it at $10, since Darth Vader branded merchandise exists for every purpose. Nonetheless, it is a classy throw-in that perks up the kit.

Combo Carb Cap and Dab Tool ($14)
My pick for the coolest item in the box. The tail end has a dagger tip for concentrates, and then up along the spine we get the crystal skull, a solid glass piece whose rounded circumference makes a fine carb cap. We found the company that makes these for MSRP $13.99.
Still, we would have been happy with any plain old dab tool. Those are kind of an afterthought; I have used tweezers, screwdrivers, and jackknife tips for dab tools. So this handsome item is another showpiece of the box. Almost too nice to gunk up with concentrate, but a great flashy bit to pull out when you have company.

Rick & Morty Dab Mat ($15)
Here again is another branded item, representing the cartoon fandom within stoner culture. It is a skid-proof mat, ample size, but the printing on it is a bit light. You have to study it to tease out the details. I have barely looked at dab mats before, so I was surprised to find one at $15.99 running around, and it’s not even branded with a popular franchise.

SpaceKing Butane Torch ($22)
As torches go, this is pretty standard. We find them running about $22.99. A solid inclusion!

Clipper Refillable Lighter ($3)
Just as with the Bongkit Mini, we’re reaching the “filler” portion of the kit which includes a few toss-it-in smoking supplies. Still, as lighters go, a refillable Clipper with the motto “I always live in the 420” is a pretty solid inclusion.

Rolling Supplies ($8 total)
The tube is a set of 3 preroll cones and the hemp wraps are 6 AfghanHemp rollies. Nothing special here.
Cheefkit The Dab Kit : Final Verdict
Even with the ridiculously low estimates we had for some items, we find some $216 total cash price value for the items in The Dab Kit! Over double the sale price!
Not only is this an unbeatable value, but we found several surprises that would delight any dab fan. Not much redundancy here, either – the Bongkit Mini had a lot of rolling-paper type filler even though that box exceeded its price in item value too. The Dab Kit included items branded after popular franchises and top quality items on every pick. For a Franklin, you are in business and ready to dab, wanting for nothing more but some concentrate itself.
We always ask about these gift-box type deals: Would you buy the individual items separately? I would have to answer in this case, everything here is something I could see the average stoner buying, some of it maybe a tad snazzier than what I’d buy on my own.
So this box gets our top honors out of every box we have seen! We will be revisiting several items in future videos just because a couple of them demand their own day in the sun.
PERFECT 10 SCORE! Our first such rating for anything we have reviewed on this site. Yes, we are that picky, but come on, this box is bursting with value and exhibits top-notch taste and selection on top of that. Get the Cheefkit The Dab Kit box here, before they come to their senses.
Readers, heed well this momentous event and care that you speak of nothing but reverence for the almighty Cheefkit, in the comments below or in our forum.